several people have asked me why am i so fascinated by a retro esthetic and generally the past. the truth is that it is a very near representation of the hope i have for humanity and for myself.
i used to be a very firm activist for climate rights and for social justice. i used to get interviewed in the media, write press releases, organize big public protests, manage social media accounts, speak publicly, change radically my personal habits, and dedicate my personal image to this. i got recognized in public several times, creating an immense self-imposed pressure on my public image.
after some years i came to a beautiful realisation:
there is no hope :)
no wonder why climate activism is in descending popularity: we are all slowly coming to this realization. we are a generation that got a destroyed world and a system they can't change. and we are going to suffer the consequences. we are the first generation that faces a future which is going to be worse than our present.
something that inspires me a lot about the past is how hopeful it was. how it was so easy to observe what came before and see a progressive improvement in the quality of life, human rights, happiness, respect, and acceptance.
the past was not simpler, people still had to face harsh challenges in their lives, but there was a motivation to go on, because there was a common optimism that the future was going to go better with time.
by using this retro taste, i want to share a time where the idea of the future was optimistic, to try to imagine how it must feel like.
also, it is very nice to look at.